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128 – Blighted Ovum and Secondary Infertility with Angelica Gunn

Erica Michelle

Have you heard of the term blighted ovum? A blighted ovum happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop. Cells develop to form the pregnancy sac, but not the embryo itself. A blighted ovum occurs within the first trimester, often before a woman knows she is pregnant.

Today’s guest experienced a blighted ovum on her secondary infertility journey. Angelica Gunn had her miracle daughter after experiencing preeclampsia and a NICU stay, she was ready to grow her family. After months of trying with no diagnosis she found out she was pregnant at her 7 week appointment there was no heartbeat. Angelica waited until 12 weeks for an ultrasound to find out she had a blighted ovum a sac without an embryo. She then experienced two more difficult miscarriages before getting pregnant with her rainbow baby. In this episode Angelica takes us on her secondary infertility journey, her 3 miscarriages, and her rainbow pregnancy journey. This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced a blighted ovum, secondary infertility or a miscarriage and how sharing your story will help others.

Angelica Gunn’s Bio
My name is Angelica Gunn. I am a nurse from Kansas City, MO. I am married and I am a mother to 3 angels in heaven and 2 earthly babies, our miracle girl who is 7, and our rainbow baby boy who is 2. I have experienced secondary infertility as well as 3 miscarriages.


I had my first child a 21, I experienced preeclampsia, several hospitalizations and bleeding and had a really rough pregnancy. Our daughter was born not breathing due to swallowing fluid, she was losing circulation and rushed to the NICU right away. By God’s grace she survived and is our miracle baby. A few years later when she turned 3 my husband and I decided that we wanted to expand our family. We were 6 months in and realized something was wrong, we were not pregnant yet and saw my OB for help, we were experiencing secondary infertility and there was no real reason why. All test came back negative, all biopsies were negative. It was a rough season in our lives and in our marriage. We saw infertility specialist as well and it took us 9 months before getting our first positive pregnancy test. At our 7 week OB check up there was no baby spotted n the monitor or heartbeat. We decided to wait in hopes of dates just being off and so we went back at 12 weeks and there was a sac with no baby. We experienced what is called a blighted ovum. There is a sac and hormones tell the body that its pregnant but there is no baby. We later experienced 2 more difficult miscarriages before becoming pregnant with our rainbow in 2016. Our journey through loss and infertility was difficult and not a day goes by that I don’t think of our babies and our journey and I truly want to use our story for good and help and encourage others who are enduring the same pain.

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