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146 – Strength after Loss due to Placenta Abruption and Incompetent Cervix with Leone Madzinga

Erica Michelle

Have you heard of the term placenta abruption?
Placental abruption occurs when the placenta detaches from the inner wall of the womb before delivery. The condition can deprive the baby of oxygen and nutrients.

Today’s guest has experienced a early miscarriage, a incompetent cervix baby boy loss at 16 weeks and a baby boy loss due placenta abruption at 26 weeks. Leone Madzinga hails from the continent from Zimbabwe and she shares in this episode her strength after several losses. She experienced an early miscarriage, incompetent cervix, cerclage for her next pregnancy and loss of that pregnancy due to placenta abruption. Leone shares in this episode how she uses her strength to continue to endure. This episode is for you to listen to if you have experienced incompetent cervix, placenta abruption, or want to know what loss is like in Zimbabwe.

Leone Madzinga’s Bio
Leone is the founding Director of Precious Pearls Trust and founder of loss, love and hope. I believe in changing the lives of girls to help them realize their potential through various training initiatives . The initiatives focus on menstrual health management, Gender based violence and allowing girls to dream and paint the future they want.

Tell me about your journey to motherhood? What obstacles have you overcome?
My journey to motherhood has been a painful and interesting journey. I had an early miscarriage in 2016 . When it happened, I didn’t think much of it. I then lost my son on the 6th November 2018 due to incompetent cervix. This was at 16 weeks. I then went on to lose my son due to placenta abruption on the 5th June 2019. This was at 26 weeks. In both cases, the hardest thing was to hear the baby’s heartbeat and a few hours later lose the baby. After having lost my son due to incompetent cervix, with the next pregnancy, I had a cervical stitch but even that issue being addressed, challenges around the placenta came up.

Any books, tools, resources that have helped you on this journey that you want to share with the audience? Counselling, support from family and friends and focusing on self -care

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