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78 – Best of Sisters in Loss 2018

Erica Michelle

Happy New Year 2019 Sisters in Loss!  Welcome to 2019!  Day 2 into the new year I wanted to kick off the year with a best of series. Today’s episode is a Best of Sisters in Loss of 2018 and the episodes you loved the most.

You loved hearing about fibroids, infertility journeys, SIDS stories, 2nd trimester miscarriages, and infant loss stories.

In today’s episode I’m highlighting clips of episdoe 55 guest Gessie Thompson talking about Uterine Fibroids and how we can eliminate them through diet and exercise.  Episode 71 guest Geneen Fitchett who shares her SIDS story.  Episode 58 guest Courtney Arlesia’s 2nd trimester miscarriage journey, and episode 65 guest Qiana Wright who shares her infant loss due to daycare negligence.

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